Utuherz's profile



90.9% positive feedback
11 verified reviews
292 total items
272 unique items

Price ($)





Minimum Quantity
BIG miscut, see photos


of 1
See photo, ask for high resolution scan


of 1
Circle of Protection: RedCircle of Protection: Red
SP+ See photos


of 1


of 1
SP-, ask for photo


ppu €21.41
of 1
Khalni GardenKhalni Garden
MIXED: 3 in ITALIANO 1 in INGLESE (vedere scan)


ppu €17.66
of 1
Lotus PetalLotus Petal
ask for photo, nice set


ppu €16.66
of 1
Bojuka BogBojuka Bog
MIXED: 2x English 2x Italian NM- (see photo)


ppu €15.16
of 1
Leyline of the VoidLeyline of the Void


of 1
Dark RitualDark Ritual
SP+ (see photos) SIgned by author at Nebraska's War (Lucca, Italy, 2019)


ppu €11.43
of 1
Golem FoundryGolem Foundry
MIXED: 1x Spanish 1x French 2x Italian 2x NM, 2 SP+ see photos, ask for photos/scan without perfect sleeves


ppu €11.41
of 1
ask for photo


of 1
Signed in gold (numbered in black) by artist at Damnation Fest 2024 (Pisa, Italy) ask for photo


of 1
Crypt RatsCrypt Rats
Wonderful set, NM see the photos


ppu €9.51
of 1
Force SpikeForce Spike
From SP+ to SP-, see photos, nice set


ppu €8.88
of 1
Rakdos CarnariumRakdos Carnarium


of 2
Dark RitualDark Ritual
SP + Nice set ask for photos


ppu €8.13
of 1
Real NM, ask for photos, nice set


ppu €8.13
of 1
Fangren MarauderFangren Marauder
See scan


ppu €7.60
of 1
Pact of NegationPact of Negation


of 1
Krark-Clan ShamanKrark-Clan Shaman
SP- see photos


of 3
Lord of AtlantisLord of Atlantis
ask for scan/photo


of 1
Golgari Rot FarmGolgari Rot Farm


of 1
SP+ ask for photo


ppu €6.35
of 1


ppu €6.35
of 1
Dark ConfidantDark Confidant


of 1
Chevill, Bane of Monsters Chevill, Bane of Monsters


of 1
Lord of AtlantisLord of Atlantis
ask for scan/photo


of 2
Mental NoteMental Note


of 3
Sign in BloodSign in Blood
ask for photos, nice set


ppu €5.47
of 1
Nice set, real NM, ask for photos


ppu €5.07
of 1
Llanowar ElvesLlanowar Elves
SP+, just NM, ask for photo


ppu €5.07
of 1
Ashnod's AltarAshnod's Altar
real NM ask for photos


ppu €5.07
of 1


ppu €5.07
of 1
Galvanic BlastGalvanic Blast


ppu €4.82
of 1
Myr EnforcerMyr Enforcer
Nice set, ask for photos, real NM


ppu €4.82
of 1
Goblin BushwhackerGoblin Bushwhacker
SP+, just NM ask for photos


ppu €4.19
of 1
Manamorphose Manamorphose
Real NM ask for photo


ppu €4.07
of 1


ppu €4.07
of 1
Fyndhorn ElvesFyndhorn Elves
ask for photo


ppu €3.80
of 1
see photos


ppu €3.80
of 1
ask for photo


ppu €3.80
of 1
Flaring PainFlaring Pain
SP+, just NM


ppu €3.68
of 1
Troll of Khazad-dûmTroll of Khazad-dûm
Nice set, ask for photos


ppu €3.30
of 1
Land GrantLand Grant
SP+, just NM


ppu €3.30
of 1
Real SP, nice set, ask for photos


ppu €3.18
of 1
Standard BearerStandard Bearer


ppu €3.18
of 1
Grim HarvestGrim Harvest
SP+ ask for photos


ppu €3.05
of 1


ppu €3.05
of 1
Suffocating FumesSuffocating Fumes
SP+, just NM (ask for photos)


ppu €3.05
of 1
Crop Rotation Crop Rotation


ppu €3.05
of 1


ppu €3.05
of 1
Mutagenic GrowthMutagenic Growth


ppu €3.05
of 1
Wild NacatlWild Nacatl


ppu €3.05
of 1


ppu €2.93
of 1
Crop RotationCrop Rotation


ppu €2.93
of 1
Gearseeker SerpentGearseeker Serpent


ppu €2.80
of 1
Rat ColonyRat Colony


ppu €2.80
of 1


ppu €2.80
of 1
Tormod's CryptTormod's Crypt


ppu €2.80
of 1
Lightning BoltLightning Bolt
NM- ask for photos


ppu €2.54
of 1
NM- (ask for photo)


ppu €2.54
of 1
Spell PierceSpell Pierce


ppu €2.54
of 1
Blood FountainBlood Fountain
Real NM, nice set, ask for photos


ppu €2.54
of 1
Mortuary MireMortuary Mire
ask for photo


ppu €2.54
of 1
Gut ShotGut Shot


ppu €2.54
of 1
SP+, just NM, ask for photos


ppu €2.54
of 1
Fyndhorn ElvesFyndhorn Elves


ppu €2.54
of 1
Morsel TheftMorsel Theft
ask for photos


ppu €2.54
of 1
Soul WardenSoul Warden


ppu €2.41
of 1
Golgari Rot FarmGolgari Rot Farm
Real NM ask for photos


ppu €2.29
of 1
Ancient DenAncient Den


ppu €2.29
of 1
Phyrexian WalkerPhyrexian Walker


ppu €2.16
of 1
Peat BogPeat Bog


ppu €2.16
of 1
Gorilla ShamanGorilla Shaman


ppu €2.16
of 1
Serrated ArrowsSerrated Arrows
SP+ ask for photos


ppu €2.16
of 1
Saprazzan SkerrySaprazzan Skerry


ppu €2.16
of 1
Lórien RevealedLórien Revealed


ppu €2.16
of 1
Hickory WoodlotHickory Woodlot


ppu €2.16
of 1
Accumulated KnowledgeAccumulated Knowledge


ppu €2.04
of 1
Khalni GardenKhalni Garden


ppu €2.04
of 1
Experimental SynthesizerExperimental Synthesizer
Real Nm, nice set, ask for photos


ppu €2.04
of 1


ppu €2.04
of 1
Oubliette Oubliette


ppu €2.04
of 1
Ornithopter of ParadiseOrnithopter of Paradise


ppu €2.04
of 1
Crimson AcolyteCrimson Acolyte


ppu €1.91
of 1
Quirion RangerQuirion Ranger


ppu €1.66
of 1
Glint HawkGlint Hawk


ppu €1.66
of 1
Wretched GryffWretched Gryff
nice set, real NM, ask for photos


ppu €1.53
of 1


ppu €1.53
of 1
Battlefield ScroungerBattlefield Scrounger


ppu €1.53
of 1
Mirkwood BatsMirkwood Bats


ppu €1.53
of 1


ppu €1.53
of 1
Cast Down Cast Down


ppu €1.53
of 1
Goblin LegionnaireGoblin Legionnaire


ppu €1.53
of 1
Myr Retriever Myr Retriever
nice set, real NM ask for photos


ppu €1.53
of 1
Qasali PridemageQasali Pridemage


ppu €1.53
of 1
Silverbluff BridgeSilverbluff Bridge


ppu €1.53
of 1
Songs of the DamnedSongs of the Damned


ppu €1.41
of 1
Expedition MapExpedition Map


ppu €1.41
of 1