Vittoriogalletta's profile



97.7% positive feedback
44 verified reviews
1k+ total items
1k+ unique items

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Minimum Quantity
Hazel of the RootbloomHazel of the Rootbloom


of 1
Arcane SignetArcane Signet


of 1
Battle Angels of TyrBattle Angels of Tyr


of 1
Morphic PoolMorphic Pool


of 1
Birds of ParadiseBirds of Paradise


of 1
Spara's HeadquartersSpara's Headquarters


of 1
Nature's LoreNature's Lore


of 1
Hazel's BrewmasterHazel's Brewmaster


of 1
Colossus HammerColossus Hammer


of 1
Rottenmouth ViperRottenmouth Viper


of 1


of 1
Jacked RabbitJacked Rabbit


of 1


of 1
Twenty-Toed ToadTwenty-Toed Toad


of 1
Herald's HornHerald's Horn


of 1


of 1
Avenging HunterAvenging Hunter


of 1
Bello, Bard of the BramblesBello, Bard of the Brambles


of 1
Emberheart ChallengerEmberheart Challenger


of 1
Manifold MouseManifold Mouse


of 1
Patchwork BannerPatchwork Banner


of 1
Zariel, Archduke of AvernusZariel, Archduke of Avernus


of 1
Breath WeaponBreath Weapon


of 1
Nissa, Who Shakes the WorldNissa, Who Shakes the World


of 1
Masterwork of IngenuityMasterwork of Ingenuity


of 1
Minsc & Boo, Timeless HeroesMinsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes


of 1
White Plume AdventurerWhite Plume Adventurer


of 1
Kaito ShizukiKaito Shizuki


of 1
Irenicus's Vile DuplicationIrenicus's Vile Duplication


of 1
Emberheart ChallengerEmberheart Challenger


of 2
Tamiyo's SafekeepingTamiyo's Safekeeping


of 1
Arms of HadarArms of Hadar


of 1
Blade of SelvesBlade of Selves


of 1
Junji, the Midnight SkyJunji, the Midnight Sky


of 1
Derevi, Empyrial TacticianDerevi, Empyrial Tactician


of 1
Reckoner's BargainReckoner's Bargain


of 1


of 1
Basilisk CollarBasilisk Collar


of 1
Astarion, the DecadentAstarion, the Decadent


of 1
Scurry of SquirrelsScurry of Squirrels


of 1
Gilded GooseGilded Goose


of 1
Deadly DisputeDeadly Dispute


of 1
Baldur's GateBaldur's Gate


of 1


of 1
The Kami War // O-Kagachi Made ManifestThe Kami War // O-Kagachi Made Manifest


of 1
Ao, the Dawn SkyAo, the Dawn Sky


of 1
Lae'zel, Vlaakith's ChampionLae'zel, Vlaakith's Champion


of 1
Lord Xander, the CollectorLord Xander, the Collector


of 1
Iridescent VinelasherIridescent Vinelasher


of 3
Elder BrainElder Brain


of 1
Brightcap BadgerBrightcap Badger


of 1
Into the Flood MawInto the Flood Maw


of 1
Majestic GenesisMajestic Genesis


of 1
Elspeth, Sun's ChampionElspeth, Sun's Champion


of 1
Panglacial WurmPanglacial Wurm


of 1
Reckoner BankbusterReckoner Bankbuster


of 1
Ajani, Caller of the PrideAjani, Caller of the Pride


of 1
Raised by GiantsRaised by Giants


of 1
Hidetsugu Consumes All // Vessel of the All-ConsumingHidetsugu Consumes All // Vessel of the All-Consuming


of 1
Weaver of HarmonyWeaver of Harmony


of 1
Lightning BoltLightning Bolt


of 1
Essence ChannelerEssence Channeler


of 1
Tamiyo, Compleated SageTamiyo, Compleated Sage


of 1
Flamewake PhoenixFlamewake Phoenix


of 1
Portable HolePortable Hole


of 1
Kenku ArtificerKenku Artificer


of 1
Black Dragon GateBlack Dragon Gate


of 1
Agent of the Iron ThroneAgent of the Iron Throne


of 1
Astarion, the DecadentAstarion, the Decadent


of 1
Mahadi, Emporium MasterMahadi, Emporium Master


of 1
Prosperous BanditProsperous Bandit


of 1
Citadel GateCitadel Gate


of 2
Evercoat UrsineEvercoat Ursine


of 1


of 2


of 1
Anchor to RealityAnchor to Reality


of 1
Parting GustParting Gust


of 1
Dreamdew EntrancerDreamdew Entrancer


of 1
Kairi, the Swirling SkyKairi, the Swirling Sky


of 1
March of Burgeoning LifeMarch of Burgeoning Life


of 1
For the Common GoodFor the Common Good


of 1
Wand of WonderWand of Wonder


of 1
Cruelclaw's HeistCruelclaw's Heist


of 1
Mistbreath ElderMistbreath Elder


of 1
Abdel Adrian, Gorion's WardAbdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward


of 1
Arms of HadarArms of Hadar


of 2
Wizards of ThayWizards of Thay


of 2
Pact WeaponPact Weapon


of 1
Eater of VirtueEater of Virtue


of 1
Inspiring LeaderInspiring Leader


of 1
Gut, True Soul ZealotGut, True Soul Zealot


of 1
Cadira, Caller of the SmallCadira, Caller of the Small


of 1
Safana, Calimport CutthroatSafana, Calimport Cutthroat


of 1
Moonsnare PrototypeMoonsnare Prototype


of 1
Oakhollow VillageOakhollow Village


of 1
Ant QueenAnt Queen


of 1
Patchwork AutomatonPatchwork Automaton


of 1
Calamity of CindersCalamity of Cinders


of 1
The Council of FourThe Council of Four


of 1
Caves of Chaos AdventurerCaves of Chaos Adventurer


of 1