Willoso's profile



100.0% positive feedback
1 verified reviews
348 total items
181 unique items

Price ()





Minimum Quantity
Volatile WanderglyphVolatile Wanderglyph


of 4
Sunfire TorchSunfire Torch


of 1
Thrashing BrontodonThrashing Brontodon


of 2


of 2
Frilled Cave-WurmFrilled Cave-Wurm


of 1
Runaway BoulderRunaway Boulder


of 1
Skullcap SnailSkullcap Snail


of 2
Jaded AnalystJaded Analyst


of 1
Red HerringRed Herring


of 1
Scytheclaw RaptorScytheclaw Raptor


of 2
Burning Sun CavalryBurning Sun Cavalry


of 4
Hotfoot GnomeHotfoot Gnome


of 2
River Herald GuideRiver Herald Guide


of 2
Acrobatic LeapAcrobatic Leap


of 3
Swashbuckler's WhipSwashbuckler's Whip


of 1
Brackish BlunderBrackish Blunder


of 2
Malamet War ScribeMalamet War Scribe


of 1
Hidden VolcanoHidden Volcano


of 4
Dead WeightDead Weight


of 3
Envoy of Okinec AhauEnvoy of Okinec Ahau


of 2
Jade Seedstones // Jadeheart AttendantJade Seedstones // Jadeheart Attendant


of 1
Slime Against HumanitySlime Against Humanity


of 1
Attentive SunscribeAttentive Sunscribe


of 2
River Herald ScoutRiver Herald Scout


of 3
Jaded AnalystJaded Analyst


of 2
Suspicious DetonationSuspicious Detonation


of 1
Inside SourceInside Source


of 1
Quicksand WhirlpoolQuicksand Whirlpool


of 1
Rumbling RockslideRumbling Rockslide


of 1
Sunshot MilitiaSunshot Militia


of 2
Poison Dart FrogPoison Dart Frog


of 4
Dog WalkerDog Walker


of 3
Screaming PhantomScreaming Phantom


of 4
Novice InspectorNovice Inspector


of 2
Oteclan Landmark // Oteclan LevitatorOteclan Landmark // Oteclan Levitator


of 2
Airtight AlibiAirtight Alibi


of 1
In the Presence of AgesIn the Presence of Ages


of 2
Echo of DuskEcho of Dusk


of 2
Didact EchoDidact Echo


of 3
Disruptor WanderglyphDisruptor Wanderglyph


of 1
Plundering PiratePlundering Pirate


of 1
On the JobOn the Job


of 2
Crowd-Control WardenCrowd-Control Warden


of 1
Thinking CapThinking Cap


of 1
Shipwreck SentryShipwreck Sentry


of 1
Pirate HatPirate Hat


of 2
Tinker's ToteTinker's Tote


of 2
Pit of OfferingsPit of Offerings


of 2
Deathcap MarionetteDeathcap Marionette


of 2
Coati ScavengerCoati Scavenger


of 1
Sage of DaysSage of Days


of 3
Cold Case CrackerCold Case Cracker


of 1
Rampaging SpiketailRampaging Spiketail


of 1
Alley AssailantAlley Assailant


of 1
Soaring SandwingSoaring Sandwing


of 4
Idol of the Deep King // Sovereign's MacuahuitlIdol of the Deep King // Sovereign's Macuahuitl


of 1
Bite Down on CrimeBite Down on Crime


of 1
Sanitation AutomatonSanitation Automaton


of 1
Fang of ShigekiFang of Shigeki


of 1
Shady InformantShady Informant


of 1
Gravestone StriderGravestone Strider


of 1
Over the EdgeOver the Edge


of 3
Projektor InspectorProjektor Inspector


of 2
Unlucky DropUnlucky Drop


of 2
Extract a ConfessionExtract a Confession


of 1
Surveillance MonitorSurveillance Monitor


of 1
Ancestors' AidAncestors' Aid


of 1
Magnifying GlassMagnifying Glass


of 2
Offender at LargeOffender at Large


of 1
Seismic MonstrosaurSeismic Monstrosaur


of 3
Thousand Moons InfantryThousand Moons Infantry


of 1
Behind the MaskBehind the Mask


of 3
Malamet VeteranMalamet Veteran


of 2


of 4
Griffnaut TrackerGriffnaut Tracker


of 1
Fungal FortitudeFungal Fortitude


of 2
Itzquinth, Firstborn of GishathItzquinth, Firstborn of Gishath


of 2
Ray of RuinRay of Ruin


of 1
Captivating CaveCaptivating Cave


of 6
Cogwork WrestlerCogwork Wrestler


of 3
Acolyte of AclazotzAcolyte of Aclazotz


of 1
Gadget TechnicianGadget Technician


of 2
Panicked AltisaurPanicked Altisaur


of 4
Inverted Iceberg // Iceberg TitanInverted Iceberg // Iceberg Titan


of 5
Miner's GuidewingMiner's Guidewing


of 2
Mineshaft SpiderMineshaft Spider


of 2
Deconstruction HammerDeconstruction Hammer


of 2
Granite WitnessGranite Witness


of 1
Oaken SirenOaken Siren


of 3
Adaptive GemguardAdaptive Gemguard


of 1
Kaslem's Stonetree // Kaslem's StriderKaslem's Stonetree // Kaslem's Strider


of 1
Belligerent YearlingBelligerent Yearling


of 2
Orazca Puzzle-DoorOrazca Puzzle-Door


of 1
Pathfinding AxejawPathfinding Axejaw


of 1
Bubble SmugglerBubble Smuggler


of 2


of 2
Deep Goblin SkulltakerDeep Goblin Skulltaker


of 1
Cerebral ConfiscationCerebral Confiscation


of 1
Marketwatch PhantomMarketwatch Phantom


of 3


of 1