Zetak's profile



--% positive feedback
0 verified reviews
305 total items
111 unique items

Price ()





Minimum Quantity
Usher of the FallenUsher of the Fallen


of 1


of 3
Behold the MultiverseBehold the Multiverse


of 3
Bind the MonsterBind the Monster


of 3
Battlefield RaptorBattlefield Raptor


of 3
Village RitesVillage Rites


of 3
Clarion SpiritClarion Spirit


of 1


of 3
Priest of the Haunted EdgePriest of the Haunted Edge


of 2
Seize the SpoilsSeize the Spoils


of 4
Starnheim CourserStarnheim Courser


of 3
Giant OxGiant Ox


of 3
Return Upon the TideReturn Upon the Tide


of 2
Dual StrikeDual Strike


of 2
Rune of FlightRune of Flight


of 2
Frost AugurFrost Augur


of 1
Giant's AmuletGiant's Amulet


of 2
Frostpyre ArcanistFrostpyre Arcanist


of 2
Rune of MortalityRune of Mortality


of 1
Hailstorm ValkyrieHailstorm Valkyrie


of 2
Depart the RealmDepart the Realm


of 3
Demon BoltDemon Bolt


of 4
Deathknell BerserkerDeathknell Berserker


of 3
Icebind PillarIcebind Pillar


of 1
Glimpse the CosmosGlimpse the Cosmos


of 2
Tergrid's ShadowTergrid's Shadow


of 1
Dwarven HammerDwarven Hammer


of 1
Shepherd of the CosmosShepherd of the Cosmos


of 2
Draugr's HelmDraugr's Helm


of 1
Disdainful StrokeDisdainful Stroke


of 4
Codespell ClericCodespell Cleric


of 4
Vengeful ReaperVengeful Reaper


of 1


of 4
Kaya's OnslaughtKaya's Onslaught


of 1
Doomskar TitanDoomskar Titan


of 1
Karfell HarbingerKarfell Harbinger


of 4
Rune of SustenanceRune of Sustenance


of 1
Battershield WarriorBattershield Warrior


of 2
Frost BiteFrost Bite


of 4
Dwarven ReinforcementsDwarven Reinforcements


of 4
Avalanche CallerAvalanche Caller


of 2
Valkyrie's SwordValkyrie's Sword


of 1


of 3
Bound in GoldBound in Gold


of 4
Crush the WeakCrush the Weak


of 2
Spectral SteelSpectral Steel


of 2
Poison the CupPoison the Cup


of 2
Open the OmenpathsOpen the Omenpaths


of 4
Frenzied RaiderFrenzied Raider


of 1
Bloodsky BerserkerBloodsky Berserker


of 1
Rune of SpeedRune of Speed


of 1
Skull RaidSkull Raid


of 3
Fearless LiberatorFearless Liberator


of 1
Skemfar ShadowsageSkemfar Shadowsage


of 1
Story SeekerStory Seeker


of 4


of 3
Goldmaw ChampionGoldmaw Champion


of 3


of 3
Basalt RavagerBasalt Ravager


of 1
Tuskeri FirewalkerTuskeri Firewalker


of 3
Breakneck BerserkerBreakneck Berserker


of 2
Wings of the CosmosWings of the Cosmos


of 2
Provoke the TrollsProvoke the Trolls


of 2
Frostpeak YetiFrostpeak Yeti


of 4
Dread RiderDread Rider


of 3
Karfell Kennel-MasterKarfell Kennel-Master


of 3
Cinderheart GiantCinderheart Giant


of 3
Iron VerdictIron Verdict


of 3
Tormentor's HelmTormentor's Helm


of 3
Fearless PupFearless Pup


of 3
Axgard BraggartAxgard Braggart


of 3
Jarl of the ForsakenJarl of the Forsaken


of 4
Littjara KinseekersLittjara Kinseekers


of 4
Gods' Hall GuardianGods' Hall Guardian


of 4
Draugr RecruiterDraugr Recruiter


of 4
Elderfang DiscipleElderfang Disciple


of 4
Divine GambitDivine Gambit


of 2
Stalwart ValkyrieStalwart Valkyrie


of 3
Valor of the WorthyValor of the Worthy


of 2
Smashing SuccessSmashing Success


of 3
Weigh DownWeigh Down


of 4
Undersea InvaderUndersea Invader


of 3
Axgard CavalryAxgard Cavalry


of 3


of 3
Strategic PlanningStrategic Planning


of 4
Berg StriderBerg Strider


of 3
Mists of LittjaraMists of Littjara


of 3
Pilfering HawkPilfering Hawk


of 3
Brinebarrow IntruderBrinebarrow Intruder


of 3
Craven HulkCraven Hulk


of 3
Invoke the DivineInvoke the Divine


of 4
Draugr Thought-ThiefDraugr Thought-Thief


of 4
Raise the DraugrRaise the Draugr


of 3
Koma's FaithfulKoma's Faithful


of 3
Grim DraugrGrim Draugr


of 4
Doomskar OracleDoomskar Oracle


of 4
Warhorn BlastWarhorn Blast


of 3
Run AmokRun Amok


of 4
Infernal PetInfernal Pet


of 4
Dogged PursuitDogged Pursuit


of 4