Torghan's profile



--% positive feedback
0 verified reviews
662 total items
538 unique items

Price ()





Minimum Quantity
Cathars' CrusadeCathars' Crusade


of 1
Wrenn and SixWrenn and Six


of 1
Darksteel ForgeDarksteel Forge


of 1
Chimil, the Inner SunChimil, the Inner Sun


of 1
Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-JikiFable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki


of 1
Monument to EnduranceMonument to Endurance


of 1
Repurposing BayRepurposing Bay


of 1
Liliana of the Dark RealmsLiliana of the Dark Realms


of 1
Manifold MouseManifold Mouse


of 1
Living DeathLiving Death


of 1


of 1
Heat ShimmerHeat Shimmer


of 1
Emberheart ChallengerEmberheart Challenger


of 1
Manifold MouseManifold Mouse


of 1
Archdruid's CharmArchdruid's Charm
Booster to sleeve


of 1


of 1
Deadeye NavigatorDeadeye Navigator


of 1
Massacre Girl, Known KillerMassacre Girl, Known Killer


of 1
Emberheart ChallengerEmberheart Challenger


of 1
Emberheart ChallengerEmberheart Challenger


of 1
Mesmeric OrbMesmeric Orb


of 1
Ghost VacuumGhost Vacuum


of 1
Urabrask's ForgeUrabrask's Forge


of 2
Psychic PossessionPsychic Possession


of 1
Altar of the BroodAltar of the Brood


of 1
Molten DuplicationMolten Duplication


of 1
Urabrask's ForgeUrabrask's Forge


of 1
Dark ProphecyDark Prophecy


of 1
Manifold MouseManifold Mouse


of 1
Elvish ArchdruidElvish Archdruid


of 1
Willowrush VergeWillowrush Verge


of 1


of 1
Vampire NocturnusVampire Nocturnus


of 1
Dragonhawk, Fate's TempestDragonhawk, Fate's Tempest


of 1
Oviya, Automech ArtisanOviya, Automech Artisan


of 1
Pyrewood GearhulkPyrewood Gearhulk


of 1
Liliana VessLiliana Vess


of 1
Jarad, Golgari Lich LordJarad, Golgari Lich Lord


of 1
Silverback ElderSilverback Elder


of 2
Tyvar, the PummelerTyvar, the Pummeler


of 1


of 1
Manifold MouseManifold Mouse


of 1
Nadu, Winged WisdomNadu, Winged Wisdom


of 1


of 1
Marvin, Murderous MimicMarvin, Murderous Mimic


of 1


of 1
Tempt with MayhemTempt with Mayhem


of 1
Monstrous RageMonstrous Rage


of 1
Jace, Memory AdeptJace, Memory Adept


of 1
Undergrowth ReconUndergrowth Recon


of 1
Bronze BombshellBronze Bombshell


of 1
Eldrazi ConfluenceEldrazi Confluence


of 1
Loot, Exuberant ExplorerLoot, Exuberant Explorer


of 1
Garruk WildspeakerGarruk Wildspeaker


of 1
Druids' RepositoryDruids' Repository


of 1
Monstrous RageMonstrous Rage


of 1
Monstrous RageMonstrous Rage


of 2
Kona, Rescue BeastieKona, Rescue Beastie


of 1
Bonescythe SliverBonescythe Sliver


of 1
Krenko, Mob BossKrenko, Mob Boss


of 1
Sapphire MedallionSapphire Medallion


of 1
Clever ImpersonatorClever Impersonator


of 1
Far Fortune, End BossFar Fortune, End Boss


of 1
Hugs, Grisly GuardianHugs, Grisly Guardian


of 1
Peema TrailblazerPeema Trailblazer


of 1
Acorn HarvestAcorn Harvest


of 1
Muraganda RacewayMuraganda Raceway


of 1
Sigil TracerSigil Tracer


of 1
Blue Elemental BlastBlue Elemental Blast


of 1
Carmen, Cruel SkymarcherCarmen, Cruel Skymarcher


of 1
Into the Time VortexInto the Time Vortex


of 1
Spectra WardSpectra Ward


of 1


of 1
Lumbering WorldwagonLumbering Worldwagon


of 1
Pantlaza, Sun-FavoredPantlaza, Sun-Favored


of 1
Burnout BashtronautBurnout Bashtronaut


of 1
Cruelclaw's HeistCruelclaw's Heist


of 1
Grave BetrayalGrave Betrayal


of 1
Into the Flood MawInto the Flood Maw


of 1
Chromatic LanternChromatic Lantern


of 2
Glissa, the TraitorGlissa, the Traitor


of 1
Faith's RewardFaith's Reward


of 2
Gaea's HeraldGaea's Herald


of 1
Full ThrottleFull Throttle


of 1
Render SilentRender Silent


of 1
Immaculate MagistrateImmaculate Magistrate


of 1
Elvish ArchdruidElvish Archdruid


of 1
Take the BaitTake the Bait


of 1
Crime // PunishmentCrime // Punishment


of 1
Territorial AetherkiteTerritorial Aetherkite


of 1
Undying EvilUndying Evil


of 1
Bow of NyleaBow of Nylea


of 2
Haunted HellrideHaunted Hellride


of 1
For the Common GoodFor the Common Good


of 1
Shriekwood DevourerShriekwood Devourer


of 1
Vnwxt, Verbose HostVnwxt, Verbose Host


of 1
Spectacular PileupSpectacular Pileup


of 1
Case of the Crimson PulseCase of the Crimson Pulse


of 1
Syr Konrad, the GrimSyr Konrad, the Grim


of 1
Judge's FamiliarJudge's Familiar


of 1