Madara89's profile



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313 total items
192 unique items

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Minimum Quantity
Delighted HalflingDelighted Halfling


of 1
Minas TirithMinas Tirith


of 1
Lórien RevealedLórien Revealed


of 2
Boromir, Warden of the TowerBoromir, Warden of the Tower


of 1
Troll of Khazad-dûmTroll of Khazad-dûm


of 2
Sting, the Glinting DaggerSting, the Glinting Dagger


of 1
The Balrog, Durin's BaneThe Balrog, Durin's Bane


of 1
Rising of the DayRising of the Day


of 1
The ShireThe Shire


of 2
Cast into the FireCast into the Fire


of 2


of 1
Samwise GamgeeSamwise Gamgee


of 1
Borne Upon a WindBorne Upon a Wind


of 1


of 1


of 2
Generous EntGenerous Ent


of 1


of 2


of 2


of 1
Sauron, the NecromancerSauron, the Necromancer


of 1
Gandalf the GreyGandalf the Grey


of 1


of 1


of 1


of 2


of 1


of 3


of 1


of 2
Sauron, the NecromancerSauron, the Necromancer


of 1
Mirkwood BatsMirkwood Bats


of 3
Mirkwood BatsMirkwood Bats


of 4


of 1


of 2
Fiery InscriptionFiery Inscription


of 2
Eagles of the NorthEagles of the North


of 1
Stone of ErechStone of Erech


of 2
Fangorn, Tree ShepherdFangorn, Tree Shepherd


of 1
Sharkey, Tyrant of the ShireSharkey, Tyrant of the Shire


of 2


of 1
Rise of the Witch-KingRise of the Witch-King


of 1
Rosie Cotton of South LaneRosie Cotton of South Lane


of 2


of 2


of 1
Peregrin TookPeregrin Took


of 1


of 4
Great Hall of the CitadelGreat Hall of the Citadel


of 1
Rising of the DayRising of the Day


of 1
Rising of the DayRising of the Day


of 3
Arwen UndómielArwen Undómiel


of 1
Gollum, Patient PlotterGollum, Patient Plotter


of 1
Voracious Fell BeastVoracious Fell Beast


of 2
Gimli, Counter of KillsGimli, Counter of Kills


of 2
The Grey HavensThe Grey Havens


of 2
Gandalf, Friend of the ShireGandalf, Friend of the Shire


of 2
Claim the PreciousClaim the Precious


of 1
Gothmog, Morgul LieutenantGothmog, Morgul Lieutenant


of 4
Legolas, Counter of KillsLegolas, Counter of Kills


of 2
Revive the ShireRevive the Shire


of 1
Mirkwood SpiderMirkwood Spider


of 1
Slip On the RingSlip On the Ring


of 1
Saruman's TrickerySaruman's Trickery


of 1
Rosie Cotton of South LaneRosie Cotton of South Lane


of 1
Legolas, Counter of KillsLegolas, Counter of Kills


of 1
The Bath SongThe Bath Song


of 2
Gandalf, Friend of the ShireGandalf, Friend of the Shire


of 1
Many PartingsMany Partings


of 2
Saruman the WhiteSaruman the White


of 1
Erebor FlamesmithErebor Flamesmith


of 1
Glorious GaleGlorious Gale


of 1
Gandalf's SanctionGandalf's Sanction


of 2
Revive the ShireRevive the Shire


of 2
Glorious GaleGlorious Gale


of 3
Long List of the EntsLong List of the Ents


of 1
Prince Imrahil the FairPrince Imrahil the Fair


of 1
Gimli, Counter of KillsGimli, Counter of Kills


of 1
You Cannot Pass!You Cannot Pass!


of 1
Denethor, Ruling StewardDenethor, Ruling Steward


of 3
Rally at the HornburgRally at the Hornburg


of 3
Sam's Desperate RescueSam's Desperate Rescue


of 1
Elven FarsightElven Farsight


of 1
Council's DeliberationCouncil's Deliberation


of 3
Saruman the WhiteSaruman the White


of 2
Faramir, Field CommanderFaramir, Field Commander


of 2
Chance-Met ElvesChance-Met Elves


of 1
Tale of TinúvielTale of Tinúviel


of 1
Bitter DownfallBitter Downfall


of 2
Foray of OrcsForay of Orcs


of 1
Inherited EnvelopeInherited Envelope


of 2
Ranger's FirebrandRanger's Firebrand


of 2
Lothlórien LookoutLothlórien Lookout


of 1
Samwise the StoutheartedSamwise the Stouthearted


of 1
Pippin's BraveryPippin's Bravery


of 3
Galadhrim GuideGaladhrim Guide


of 2
Improvised ClubImprovised Club


of 2
Grond, the GatebreakerGrond, the Gatebreaker


of 1
Warbeast of GorgorothWarbeast of Gorgoroth


of 3
Ent's FuryEnt's Fury


of 1
Shadowfax, Lord of HorsesShadowfax, Lord of Horses


of 2
Haunt of the Dead MarshesHaunt of the Dead Marshes


of 1
Prince Imrahil the FairPrince Imrahil the Fair


of 1