Nikisoriano's profile



100.0% positive feedback
1 verified reviews
445 total items
189 unique items

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Minimum Quantity
Minas TirithMinas Tirith


of 1
Lórien RevealedLórien Revealed


of 1
Elanor GardnerElanor Gardner


of 1
Samwise GamgeeSamwise Gamgee


of 2
Troll of Khazad-dûmTroll of Khazad-dûm


of 1
Aragorn, Company LeaderAragorn, Company Leader


of 1


of 3
Hobbit's StingHobbit's Sting


of 1


of 1
Goldberry, River-DaughterGoldberry, River-Daughter


of 1
The Battle of BywaterThe Battle of Bywater


of 1
Saradoc, Master of BucklandSaradoc, Master of Buckland


of 1
Stern ScoldingStern Scolding


of 1
War of the Last AllianceWar of the Last Alliance


of 1
Bilbo, Retired BurglarBilbo, Retired Burglar


of 1
Glóin, Dwarf EmissaryGlóin, Dwarf Emissary


of 1
Legolas, Counter of KillsLegolas, Counter of Kills


of 1
Pippin, Guard of the CitadelPippin, Guard of the Citadel


of 1
Shagrat, Loot BearerShagrat, Loot Bearer


of 2
Faramir, Prince of IthilienFaramir, Prince of Ithilien


of 1
Gimli, Mournful AvengerGimli, Mournful Avenger


of 1
Scroll of IsildurScroll of Isildur


of 2
Doors of DurinDoors of Durin


of 1
Éowyn, Fearless KnightÉowyn, Fearless Knight


of 2
Faramir, Prince of IthilienFaramir, Prince of Ithilien


of 1
Isildur's Fateful StrikeIsildur's Fateful Strike


of 1
Shower of ArrowsShower of Arrows


of 1
Sharkey, Tyrant of the ShireSharkey, Tyrant of the Shire


of 1
Meriadoc BrandybuckMeriadoc Brandybuck


of 2
Many PartingsMany Partings


of 1
Elrond, Master of HealingElrond, Master of Healing


of 3
Peregrin TookPeregrin Took


of 1
Elrond, Lord of RivendellElrond, Lord of Rivendell


of 1
Prince Imrahil the FairPrince Imrahil the Fair


of 1
Foray of OrcsForay of Orcs


of 1
Galadriel of LothlórienGaladriel of Lothlórien


of 2
Gandalf, Friend of the ShireGandalf, Friend of the Shire


of 3
March from the Black GateMarch from the Black Gate


of 1
Treason of IsengardTreason of Isengard


of 4
Butterbur, Bree InnkeeperButterbur, Bree Innkeeper


of 1
Enraged HuornEnraged Huorn


of 4
Bill Ferny, Bree SwindlerBill Ferny, Bree Swindler


of 2
Bill the PonyBill the Pony


of 1
Knights of Dol AmrothKnights of Dol Amroth


of 5
Escape from OrthancEscape from Orthanc


of 4
Gandalf's SanctionGandalf's Sanction


of 1
Eagles of the NorthEagles of the North


of 5
Revive the ShireRevive the Shire


of 4
Gimli's AxeGimli's Axe


of 2
Éomer, Marshal of RohanÉomer, Marshal of Rohan


of 1
Glorious GaleGlorious Gale


of 3
The Mouth of SauronThe Mouth of Sauron


of 1
Shelob's AmbushShelob's Ambush


of 1
Snarling WargSnarling Warg


of 2


of 3
Errand-Rider of GondorErrand-Rider of Gondor


of 5
Peregrin TookPeregrin Took


of 2
Many PartingsMany Partings


of 3


of 1
Bombadil's SongBombadil's Song


of 5
Gimli, Counter of KillsGimli, Counter of Kills


of 2
Olog-hai CrusherOlog-hai Crusher


of 7
Chance-Met ElvesChance-Met Elves


of 5
Mirror of GaladrielMirror of Galadriel


of 1
Birthday EscapeBirthday Escape


of 5
Bitter DownfallBitter Downfall


of 2
Meriadoc BrandybuckMeriadoc Brandybuck


of 1
You Cannot Pass!You Cannot Pass!


of 3
Wose PathfinderWose Pathfinder


of 5
Inherited EnvelopeInherited Envelope


of 1
Dunland CrebainDunland Crebain


of 2
Lothlórien LookoutLothlórien Lookout


of 3
Stone of ErechStone of Erech


of 2
Denethor, Ruling StewardDenethor, Ruling Steward


of 1
Bewitching LeechcraftBewitching Leechcraft


of 2
Generous EntGenerous Ent


of 4
Pippin's BraveryPippin's Bravery


of 2
Samwise the StoutheartedSamwise the Stouthearted


of 2
Galadhrim GuideGaladhrim Guide


of 3
Erkenbrand, Lord of WestfoldErkenbrand, Lord of Westfold


of 1
Rally at the HornburgRally at the Hornburg


of 2
Sam's Desperate RescueSam's Desperate Rescue


of 3
Elven FarsightElven Farsight


of 3
Improvised ClubImprovised Club


of 1
Grond, the GatebreakerGrond, the Gatebreaker


of 1
Fog on the Barrow-DownsFog on the Barrow-Downs


of 5
Warbeast of GorgorothWarbeast of Gorgoroth


of 3


of 2
Mirkwood BatsMirkwood Bats


of 3
Strider, Ranger of the NorthStrider, Ranger of the North


of 3
Pelargir SurvivorPelargir Survivor


of 4
Ent's FuryEnt's Fury


of 2
Westfold RiderWestfold Rider


of 4
Shadowfax, Lord of HorsesShadowfax, Lord of Horses


of 2
Saruman the WhiteSaruman the White


of 1
Cirith Ungol PatrolCirith Ungol Patrol


of 2
Faramir, Field CommanderFaramir, Field Commander


of 1
Eastfarthing FarmerEastfarthing Farmer


of 3
Haunt of the Dead MarshesHaunt of the Dead Marshes


of 3
Prince Imrahil the FairPrince Imrahil the Fair


of 2